Returns the year (integer) portion of datenumber. Dates are stored as numbers with Jan 1,1904 having a value of zero. datenumber may be entered as text and it will be automatically converted to a value.
Returns a value from 1 to 7 for the day of the week of datenumber, Sunday has a value of 1. datenumber may be entered as text and it will be automatically converted to a value.
Returns the datenumber of the current date. Dates are stored as numbers with Jan 1,1904 having a value of zero.
Returns the second (0-59) portion of datenumber. Dates are stored as numbers with Jan 1,1904 having a value of zero. datenumber may be entered as text and it will be automatically converted to a value.
Returns the datenumber of the current date&time. Dates are stored as numbers with Jan 1,1904 having a value of zero.
Returns the month (1-12) portion of datenumber. Dates are stored as numbers with Jan 1,1904 having a value of zero. datenumber may be entered as text and it will be automatically converted to a value.
Returns the minute (0-59) portion of datenumber. Dates are stored as numbers with Jan 1,1904 having a value of zero. datenumber may be entered as text and it will be automatically converted to a value.
Returns the hour (0-23) portion of datenumber. Dates are stored as numbers with Jan 1,1904 having a value of zero. datenumber may be entered as text and it will be automatically converted to a value.
Returns the day (1-31) portion of datenumber. Dates are stored as numbers with Jan 1,1904 having a value of zero. datenumber may be entered as text and it will be automatically converted to a value.
Returns the datenumber of text. Dates are stored as numbers with Jan 1,1904 having a value of zero. Mariner will automatically convert text to numeric values, this function is provided for compatibility with other applications.
Returns the datenumber of the specified year,month and day. Dates are stored as numbers with Jan 1,1904 having a value of zero.
Returns datenumber plus the specified time units. This allows easy calculation a non-standard time unit. Example: ADDTIME("93/2/1",0,1) will return 32567, the datenumber of 93/3/1.